R-stat.extend | | Highest Density Regions and Other Functions of Distributions |
R-statmod | | Statistical modeling |
R-stringdist | | Approximate String Matching and String Distance Functions |
R-stringi (V) | | Character string processing facilities |
R-stringr (V) | | Simple, consistent wrappers for common string operations |
R-survey | | Analysis of complex survey samples |
R-sys (V) | | Powerful and reliable tools for running system commands in R |
R-tcltk2 (V) | | Tcl/Tk additions |
R-tensor | | Tensor product of arrays |
R-tensorA | | Advanced tensor arithmetic with named indices |
R-testit (V) | | Simple Package for Testing R Packages |
R-testthat (V) | | Unit testing for R |
R-thematic (V) | | Unified & Automatic 'Theming' of 'ggplot2 / lattice / base' R Graphics |
R-tibble | | Simple data frames |
R-tidyr | | Easily tidy data with 'spread()' and 'gather()' functions |
R-tidyselect (V) | | Select from a set of strings |
R-timeDate (V) | | Chronological and calendar objects |
R-timeSeries (V) | | Financial time series objects |
R-tinytest (V) | | Lightweight and Feature Complete Unit Testing Framework |
R-tinytex (V) | | Helper Func. to Install & Maintain 'TeX Live' & Compile 'LaTeX' Docs |
R-tmvnsim | | Truncated Multivariate Normal Simulation |
R-tseries (V) | | Time series analysis and computational finance |
R-TTR (V) | | Technical trading rules |
R-tzdb (V) | | Time Zone Database Information |
R-units | | Measurement Units for R Vectors |
R-unix (V) | | POSIX System Utilities |
R-urca | | Unit root and cointegration tests for time series data |
R-usethis (V) | | Automate package and project setup |
R-utf8 (V) | | Unicode text processing |
R-uuid (V) | | Tools for generating and handling of UUIDs |
R-vctrs | | Vector helpers |
R-VGAM | | Vector generalized linear and additive models |
R-viridis (V) | | Default color maps from 'matplotlib' |
R-viridisLite (V) | | Default color maps from 'matplotlib' (lite version) |
R-vroom (V) | | Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly |
R-waldo (V) | | Find Differences Between R Objects |
R-webshot (V) | | Take Screenshots of Web Pages |
R-whisker (V) | | 'mustache' for R, logicless templating |
R-withr (V) | | Run code 'with' temporarily modified global state |
R-wk (V) | | Lightweight well-known geometry parsing |
R-xfun (V) | | Miscellaneous functions by 'Yihui Xie' |
R-XML | | Tools for parsing and generating XML within R |
R-xml2 (V) | | Parse XML |
R-xmlparsedata (V) | | Parse Data of 'R' Code as an 'XML' Tree |
R-xopen (V) | | Open system files, 'URLs', anything |
R-xtable | | Export tables to LaTeX or HTML |
R-xts | | eXtensible Time Series |
R-yaml (V) | | Methods to convert R data to YAML and back |
R-zeallot | | Multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment |
R-zip (V) | | Cross-platform 'zip' compression |
R-zoo | | S3 infrastructure for regular and irregular time series |
randlib | | Library of C Routines for Random Number Generation |
ranger | | Fast Implementation of Random Forests |
ruby-gsl | | Ruby interface to GNU Scientific Library |
ruby-narray | | N-dimensional Numerical Array class for Ruby |
ruby-roo | | Ruby library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents |
ruby-spreadsheet | | Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents |
sc | | Curses-based spreadsheet program |
sc-im | | Curses-based spreadsheet program based on sc |
scilab | | High-level scientific math programming environment with graphics |
siag (V) | | Poor man's office suite with spreadsheet, word processor, etc |
slatec | | Library of mathematical and statistical Fortran 77 subroutines |
smath-studio | | Tiny, powerful, free mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor |
snns | | Software simulator for neural networks |
sollya | | Environment and library for safe floating-point code development |
speedcrunch | | Calculator |
stan-math | | Stan Math library |
statist | | Small and portable statistics program |
sundials | | Suite of nonlinear and differential/algrbraic equation solvers |
superlu | | Library for solving large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations |
svmlin | | Fast Linear SVM Solvers for Supervised and Semi-supervised Learning |
tasp-vsipl | | Vector Signal Image Processing Library |
teapot | | Curses based spread sheet program |
tex-apnum | | Arbitrary precision numbers implemented by TeX macros |
tex-apnum-doc | | Documentation for tex-apnum |
tex-fp | | Fixed point arithmetic |
tex-fp-doc | | Documentation for tex-fp |
tex-kastrup | | Expansible conversion into binary-based number systems |
tex-kastrup-doc | | Documentation for tex-kastrup |
tex-lualatex-math | | Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues |
tex-lualatex-math-doc | | Documentation for tex-lualatex-math |
tex-mathpartir | | Typesetting sequences of math formulas, e.g. type inference rules |
tex-mathpartir-doc | | Documentation for tex-mathpartir |
tex-mathspec | | Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics in XeTeX |
tex-mathspec-doc | | Documentation for tex-mathspec |
tex-minifp | | Fixed-point real computations to 8 decimals |
tex-minifp-doc | | Documentation for tex-minifp |
tex-physics | | Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics |
tex-physics-doc | | Documentation for tex-physics |
tex-unicode-math | | Unicode mathematics support for XeTeX and LuaTeX |
tex-unicode-math-doc | | Documentation for tex-unicode-math |
texdrive | | Emacs mode for creating inline formulae for HTML |
TinySVM | | Tiny Support Vector Machines |
tochnog | | Finite Element Analysis Program |
udunits | | Library and program for manipulating units of physical quantities |
units | | GNU Units - a calculator capable of performing unit conversions |
vista | | Visual statistics system |
volk | | The Vector Optimized Library of Kernels |
vowpal_wabbit | | Vowpal Wabbit is a machine learning system |
wxmaxima | | Graphical UI for maxima |